Month 43 – Navient – $13,898.75, NMAC – $12571.66 401k – $10,803.59, Roth IRA – $3562.49

This post was not my best moment, but I’m submitting it anyway.
Month 43 snapshot.

Navient – $13,898.75 @ 4.25%
NMAC – $12,571.66 @ 0%
Credit Card: $1,509 @ 11.99%
Total Debt: $27,979.41

401k – $10,803.59 ($8,088.48 vested)
Roth IRA – $3,562.49
Total Retirement: $14,366.08

  • Some updates:
  • $695 referenced in my last post
  • $43 in Chase reward points
  • Sold my Tesla stock and bought 3 more shares of AAPL
  • Yelled at a Verizon rep since their automatic payment system didn’t work for 3 months in a row. I had late fees and a big nearly $300 bill.
  • Close to $500 car insurance bill coming up next month.
  • Considering Invisalign. My Dental insurance would cover half but the rest I’d be responsible for out of pocket. Could be up to $3k I figure broken down into 12 monthly payments. I did pay $4k for braces back in 2008 but that was to fix some very severe problems. I basically need to get my teeth shifted and put in a permanent retainer if I expect to keep the gap from coming back.
  • Finally got enough in my HSA that I could expense my $300 dermatologist visit.

    Prior to the Verizon incident I was planning to go back to New York and visit my family. Now I don’t feel like I have enough cash leftover to do so. That combined with other bills coming up make it almost impossible to travel without running up a huge credit card bill. My folks are house poor and don’t have extra money to visit me or pay for me to fly up there.  So 2015 looks to be a year where I will do zero traveling to get myself out of this mess of student loan debt.

I could drive to a nearby city, go site-seeing, drink and things like that… but I am still single,  don’t have any close friends or a love interest who I think would be interested. F*ck, not even one person has come by to hang out with me (that wasn’t a date / more than a ‘date’) at my apt since I moved here 11 months ago. Being lonely so often sucks. I get lots of interest on the dating apps, but rarely do things lead anywhere. I try to treat every new day as a new opportunity. The months of trying to get to know people has definitely worn down on soul. Being alone is even worse. I stayed home from work today due to how I felt and man that was horrible. Pretty much just binge watched tv shows…

Getting rid of these student loans has been a marathon, not a sprint. I’ve made so much progress, but have been stressed. I considered refinancing with SoFi or Earnest, but my rate would go up. My minimum required payment would go down, but I have little desire to drag this process out even more.

Thanksgiving coming up. Reminded of my deceased father, grandmother. I saw my ex for the first time on Black Friday 5 years ago. Rest of my family is 1500 miles away. No extra money to travel. Friends situation is 2/10, basically I only get invited to things because of my ex…. Dating life in the crapper. This post is kind of a bummer,  just being real. Tomorrow is a new day. I’m grateful for the things I do have, but it sucks to be alone all the time.


Many months ago I spoke about a past employer of mine. After a few weeks of employment at the company, said employer bounced my last paycheck and didn’t pay me for the final week or so that I worked there.

Well, there was one recent development. I received a portion of the funds that were to come to me as part of the WARN Act. Pre-tax, it came to an amount of $695.  The original amount was supposed to be over $2000 so I’m a bit disappointed. Still technically owed $1188 for the bounced paycheck. No word on that yet. Every bit helps me get closer to my goal.

What did I do with the cash? I bought an iPad! No I’m kidding. It’s being applied to my credit card. Goal is to  break the cycle of half my paycheck going to the credit card every two weeks so I have greater cashflow.