December 2021 Net Worth Update – Still $185k

Knock knock knock… Who’s there? December? December who

So I splurged a little bit this month and ran up some credit card debt. I needed some new shoes, new jeans, dog food, a $36 Christmas tree, and some miscellaneous items. Two new pairs of higher quality shoes that work with my foot pronation were close to $170. A lot of DoorDash deliveries, a sushi date, cell phone payment & plan, electricity, sports team membership, gas, Netflix, iCloud, it all adds up… I have close to $1k in credit card debt racked up that will covered when I get paid tomorrow. The computer I paid off in *full* mid November.

A big chunk of my portfolio is in the stock market and lately that has been taking a beating. Yesterday the market was down about 1.18%. So as much as it pains me to say this my net worth is actually down a few hundred dollars since last month.

401K                                                   $157,149.28
Roth IRA                                             $20,169.99
M1 Acct                                              $4,019.33
Crypto                                                $2,516.34
Buffer Fund:                                        $625.00
HSA:                                                    $1,472.80
Total:                                                  $185,953   

401K                                                   $157,626.00
Roth IRA                                             $20,720.83
M1 Acct                                              $3,692.75
Crypto                                                $2,372.39
Buffer Fund                                       $379.18
HSA                                                $1,426.62
Total                                                $186,217.77

I started going down the rabbit hole of what all my options are. The best option I decided is to do nothing for now. Even today 12/2 as I type this the market was up around 1.5%. That elusive $200k number is still attainable… in 2022. I find myself getting impatient with this process, having started working 22 years ago and potentially working a total of 40+. Not saying that to ask for pity but damn this process takes a long time!

I was doing a little bit of research at the prices of what I consider starter townhomes. One that is essentially the equivalent of where I used to live is going for about $315,000. In 2013 it listed for $113k…Pardon my language but that’s fucking insane. Definitely a big deterrent for single income potential first time homebuyers like myself. At this rate by the time I have enough saved for a downpayment without PMI prices will be up another 30% or pushing $400k. That would be $82k down for a place built almost 50 years ago. Then monthly payments of let’s say $1300+ for the next 30 years.

I did hear something called the 5% rule today. Basically take what you’re paying in rent per year, I’ll round it up to $1000, divide that by 5% and then the number ($240k) is the most a home can be valued at before renting is more worth it financially. I looked at what’s available for $240k or less and I might have nightmares.

Really thinking about what will make me the happiest over the coming years as 40s are just around the corner. Losing weight is the first one. I want to do a pound a week. Going on walks again, doing intermittent fasting, taking exogenous ketones, lifting weights when the gym isn’t crowded. Avoiding certain foods altogether. The second is picking up some new skills. The 3rd is upgrading my overall quality of life. That could include where I live but also what I wear, what I drive, where I live, what I eat. Crunching the numbers on every decision I make is both a blessing and a curse.

Well I’m not going to therapy, I am finding things that benefit me from a day-to-day standpoint. Environment is such a big part of mental health either up or down. That also means switching things up every once in a while. It’s good to have a grasp of who you are and what brings you joy. It doesn’t happen overnight. What is considered “normal” tends to make us unfulfilled. The grass isn’t always greener either. I was chatting with a guy recently in general conversation. He’s white, >6′, nice build, beard. I’m not a 4 ft tall morbidly obese troll but the dude definitely has natural traits that you’d think would make him more attractive in the market. He was telling me he still hasn’t had luck in the dating scene.

I put up a Christmas tree in my apartment for the first time. I could come up with every excuse in the book on why I shouldn’t put one up. I just decided to roll with it and was happy with the outcome. Sometimes it’s just the simple things that make life better.

Parked car near the airport

Well I do not see my family New York on Thanksgiving, I did enjoy a friends giving instead. I made a rather simple recipe for roasted brussel sprouts And everyone loved it. Definitely made me feel good about my cooking abilities. Not to mention who wants to be completely alone on a holiday? I sure as hell don’t. 🙂

So despite questioning some of my most recent investment choices, things have been going well on the whole. I’m running on 4 hours and 50 minutes of sleep, so I do feel like a bit of a zombie right now.I want to think bigger and start planting seeds that will lead to a very bright and prosperous future. I don’t know what will make me happy though. Will having the energy to do all the things I want to do help? Probably. Would more activity partners help? Sure. Part of why I joined two sports teams again starting next month. Gotta keep putting myself out there no matter what.

I just did all the math. Between taxes, insurance, 401k, Roth IRA, HSA, taxable investment account… That’s about $45k has out of my pocket for the year. Not even including rent, cell phone, cell phone plan, utilities, vet bills / dog food, car insurance, fuel, car maintenance, travelling, groceries. Combined thinking all those would roll up to another $15k. So $60k for the year and I’m not living in the lap luxury. I’m tired and think I need to celebrate or take a break soon. At least tomorrow is a half day at work. Thanks for reading my lengthy whinefest. Calling the whambulance now.