September 2021 Net Worth Update – $176k

The cold I had last month is a distant memory. My parents are now fully vaccinated. I just returned from a trip to Seattle. I think I was slowly losing my mind having the same daily routine day in and day out. Humans are meant to explore the world around us even if it is in small doses.

After 12 years of chatting online, I *finally* got to see an online friend in person. He is roughly 14 years my senior, tall with salt and pepper hair. Comes across as the type who can naturally connect with anyone. He gave me a little tour of the city, we walked through Pike Place Market, down Elliot Trail, to one of the Piers. I’m glad to have quality people like him around, sometimes it’s easy to scare people away with drama, or just grow apart.

I posted the top pictures from each of the 6 days on another account of mine but sharing a few with this audience.

Seattle Trip – August 2021

The trip wasn’t cheap, one of the more expensive ones in recent memory infact. However I needed this. So many years have gone by already and I’ve missed out on potential opportunities to branch out. Also exploring opportunities to make new friends with similar interests. I venmoed money for the vrbo. Flight on my credit card without any point redemption. Definitely earned points for all the eating / drinking I did.

Someone I was supposed to have dinner with last night stood me up. No sorry I need to reschedule or acknowledgement even though he’s been posting on social media. He did this previously in April, I’m guessing his work schedule changed again. I’m letting it go as it’s clearly his problem. 😀

So let’s talk about the money situation.
8/28/21 (including next wk 401k contribution):
401K: $150,508
Roth IRA: $15,937
M1 Acct: $2,810
Crypto: $659
Buffer Fund: $5,015
HSA $1,768
Total Investments: $176,696

401K: $145,693
Roth IRA: $15,419
M1 Acct: $2,564
Crypto: $451
Buffer Fund: $5,013
HSA: $1,752
Total Investments: $170,893

Net worth for the month is up +$5,803 or +3%! This is partially because the S&P 500 is essentially near all-time highs.

Compared to a year ago I’m up $75k or 73%!
August 2020
401k: $90,043.43
Roth IRA: $5,572.82
HSA: $552.55
M1: $677.43
Emergency Fund: $5,000
August 2020 Total Investments: $101,846
August 2019 Total Net Worth: $49,665
August 2018 Total Net Worth: $27,405
August 2017 Total Net Worth: -$20.78

August 2016 Total Net Worth: $-13,713

Sometimes it feels like growth happens at a snail’s pace. Then you look back and think wow I’ve come a long way!

My projections for 5 years with no further contributions:

September 2026 estimated total in 5 years – basically over a quarter million if I stop contributing today

If I can keep up at this current aggressive pace of close to $2500 / mo on average with the same assumptions…. Quite a big difference. So the big question is can I hit a half million in 5 years? I’m on my way, but 5 years still feels like a long way out. Likely will have a different job by then, not sure where I’ll be living. I might scale things back a bit depending on any big life changes that might arise.

September 2026 estimated total in 5 years – close to a half million but not quite there.

That’s the update. I want this process to go faster. No spouse and no kids. I also don’t want to be a workaholic. Dating someone exclusively would be nice. So far I’m nowhere near there. Takes weeks to months to actually land a date. Then planning a second. Or something even more casual, getting rejected because you want to have a little conversation, or want to be more “responsible”. It gets really tiring after a while.

We each have 24 hours in a day. It’s my job to make the most of them. Hope you are all making progress in your debt freedom / wealth building journeys! ❤