August 2023 Net Worth Update – $231k

I broke down and bought a new 65″ TLC tv for a whopping $649.99. It’s got mini-LED, Dolby vision and looks freaking incredible in my living room. Donated the 2009 old 32″ TV in my bedroom to the Dallas Resource Center which hopefully it will go to a person in need. The 2017″ Samsung 49″ 4k TV is in my bedroom and looks great. A friend helped me mount it to the wall so it really frees up a lot of space.

I decided to sign up for an Equinox membership, it’s about $211/mo after fees are added. I have had a good stretch of workouts since joining and have been shifting more toward a CICO (Calories In, Calories Out) focus. Lost 10 pounds after being steady at it. Gained a few back since but I know what I need to do and am actively pushing myself harder now more than ever. I get $500 annually that I can put on my HSA for fitness with my letter of medical necessity from my general practitioner.

My dog was due for her vaccines, bloodwork, flea medication, got a $370 vet bill for that. Other recent expenses include a steel skillet set, some clothing, new sneakers, Hill Science dog food, and a few restaurant visits. I was supposed to out to Chicago today but got a sore throat and generally feeling icky… so I cancelled. Turns out I have an upper respiratory infection and an ear infection right before my 40th birthday. On day one of antibiotics and it’s helping other than the stomach issues. Trying something different to see if that helps… Anyway I got a credit for the flight but the hotel request was denied by Marriott. I didn’t want to spend $1200 on a hotel to begin with but decided to treat myself. That backfired… I submitted a claim to my credit card company and was on the phone for 90 minutes with Expedia. There’s a video that went viral a few years ago and the singer says “If God Don’t Do It, It Won’t Get Done” that’s how I feel about the situation. Just want to move on with my life and not think about it anymore. I’m a Leo, I know I’m dramatic.

8/1/237/1/23Difference% Change
401K $   203,707 $   195,156 $                       8,5514.4%
Roth IRA $     30,727 $     29,756 $                          9713.3%
M1 Account $       1,277 $       1,123 $                          15413.7%
Cash $       2,135 $       2,593 $                        (458)-17.7%
HSA $       2,262 $       2,567 $                        (305)-11.9%
Total $   240,108 $   231,195 $                       8,9133.9%
Credit Card $          277 $          128 $                          149116.5%
Auto Loan $       8,578 $       9,548 $                        (970)-10.2%
Net Total $   231,253 $   221,519 $                       9,7344.4%
August 2023 Net Worth Update

The market is again at near all-time highs. Bears say there will be a correction. I’m inclined to agree with them, but I’m still going to get my tax credit and continue the dollar cost averaging. On the car debt front I still want to snap my fingers and have it disappear. $8,577 in debt vs $232k in investments not completely unreasonable. Those are numbers I can accept. A year ago my net worth was $189k so up 22% or $42k is still good right?

In other life updates – the small ant infestation in my laundry room light fixture has been resolved, it took an exterminator and his supervisor to come out and draw them out. Then the mildew spots on the bathroom ceiling were painted over so no longer an issue. I met someone last week who has been a sweetheart. I’d like to see where things go.

I’m not really sure what path my life is going right now. I just know that I’m not ready to retire yet and I’d rather not do anything that will lead to a pay cut or slowdown in hitting my goals. Also thankful for all the good things happening in my life. So much uncertainty happening right now, due to things outside my control. Working to protect joy and continue evolving as a man. Also need some excitement that is lacking due to not going on a trip at all this year… I should go to bed now.

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